Registration is open for the 10th Biennial OSPR/Chevron Spill Response Technology Workshop! This workshop will include both in-person and virtual participation options for attendees. The agenda includes agency updates, renewable fuels, non-floating oil, applied and mechanical response technologies, mapping and GIS, and more!
There will also be a field demonstration day for 15 presenters to provide in-person demonstrations as well as a day of training to provide introduction to oil spill response and oil spill science basics for individuals new to the field.
The full agenda is available at the link below. You must register for each individual day that you would like to participate and it is asked that in-person attendees carpool due to limited parking. The in-person location will be the Estuary & Ocean Science Center – 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA.
2023 Response Technology Workshop Registration and Agenda
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