On January 23, 2023, the United States Coast Guard announced the release of the new Maritime Cybersecurity Assessment & Annex Guide. This assessment document and guide will help Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) regulated facilities and other Marine Transportation System (MTS) stakeholders address and prevent cyber risks and attacks.
In the past, the USCG released Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 01-20: Guidelines for Addressing Risks at MTSA Regulated Facilities, which provided guidance on how to assess, document, and address computer system and network vulnerabilities. This MCAAG may also be a useful tool for Area maritime Security Companies in their attempts to assess overall port security risks and to develop cyber annexes of security plans.
This guide, however, will not influence Captain of the Port review of submitted FSP approvals, and facility owners and operators are not required to adhere to any specific guidance. The MCAAG is a dynamic document that will continuously be updated based on the questions and feedback received.
The MCAAG will offer an additional resource to enhance and expand on current efforts to continually assess cyber risks and vulnerabilities.
To submit feedback or questions regarding the MCAAG or cybersecurity pertaining to MTSA regulated facilities, or the MTS at large, please contact LCDR Kelley Edwards at Kelley.c.edwards@uscg.mil
To read the full article provided by the Coast Guard Maritime Commons, please visit the link below. The MCAAG can be viewed and downloaded here.
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