Ohmsett Gazette Fall 2022 Edition Available

The Fall 2022 Ohmsett Gazette Newsletter is now available from https://ohmsett.bsee.gov/gazette.html or https://ohmsett.bsee.gov/Gazette/Ohmsett%20Gazette%20Fall%202022.pdf.

Ohmsett is The National Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility (https://ohmsett.bsee.gov/) and provides independent and objective performance testing of full-scale oil spill response equipment and marine renewable energy systems.  It is the largest outdoor saltwater wave/tow tank facility in North America allowing testing, training, and research in a marine environment with oil under controlled environmental conditions (waves and oil types). The facility is located in Leonardo, New Jersey, and is managed by the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE).

The Ohmsett Gazette provides a biannually update on the testing, training, and research activities at the facility.  Follow the link below or copy and paste it into your browser to view the Fall 2022 edition of the Ohmsett Gazette.  This edition focuses on:

·         An Update on the Tank Refurbishment,

·         Technologies to Detect & Measure Floating Oil

·         In-line Oil Recovery Efficiency Sensor Could Improve Response Operations

·         MPRI Dispersant Effectiveness Project

·         USCG SMART Training Conducted

·         NOFI Current Buster Trials

·         Expansion of the NY/NJ Baykeepers Oyster Research

·         Oil Spill Response Training,

·         SCAA Future Environmental Leaders Visit

·         Development Of New Testing Protocols for Advancing Oil Recovery Systems

·         Staff changes

Refer to our Blog post on the Future Environmental Leaders (FEL) Committee trip to Ohmsett in September 2022 (link).

