The U.S. Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register that it is accepting applications to fill eight vacancies on the National Chemical Transportation Safety Advisory Committee.
From the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Commons Blog website (August 16, 2022) available from
The U.S. Coast Guard announced on 8/12/2022 in the FederalRegister that it is accepting applications to fill eight vacancies on the National Chemical Transportation Safety Advisory Committee. This Committee advises the Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, on matters relating to the safe and secure marine transportation of hazardous materials. Applicants will be considered from the following entities:
· Chemical manufacturing entities;
· Entities related to marine handling or transportation of chemicals;
· Vessel design and construction entities;
· Marine safety or security entities; and
· Marine environmental protection entities
SCAA members should participate and represent our SCAA member perspective providing expertise, knowledge, and experience on matters related to the safe and secure marine transportation of hazardous materials.
Completed applications must reach the U.S. Coast Guard on or before September 12, 2022. Applications must be emailed to with subject line “Application for NCTSAC”. For more information contact Lieutenant Ethan Beard, Alternate Designated Federal Officer of the National Chemical Transportation Safety Advisory Committee; telephone 202-372-1419 or email at
View the Federal Register notice for full details.
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