SCAA-Hosted Informal Roundtable During Clean Pacific in Vancouver

Yesterday, SCAA hosted an informal roundtable titled “Our Response Community: Present Challenges and the Impact on our Shared Future” as a kick off to Clean Pacific in Vancouver, BC.

SCAA President, Robert Chambers, opened the discussions surrounding critical issues that are impacting the sustainability of the response industry.  The topics focused on workforce development and generational workforce turnover, challenges in sustaining a viable response posture in an environment with decreasing casualty events, and heightened regulatory requirements and incentives for forward-leaning response technology and postures.  

Over 70 individuals attended the event, and a special thanks goes out to our panelists: Sonja Larson, Washington State Department of Ecology; Tom Wiker, Gallagher Marine Systems; Kyle Watson, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc; Scott Knutson, United States Coast Guard; Angie Martin, Heritage Environmental Services, and TJ Engstrom, Clean Harbors.
