SCAA Attends "Safety at Sea" National Maritime Day Seminar & AMVER Awards Reception

SCAA representative John Allen attended the "Safety at Sea" National Maritime Day Seminar & AMVER Awards Reception on May 22nd at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  Several active duty USCG admirals were in attendance including Commandant ADM Karl Schultz and RADM John Nadeau as well as VADM Brian Salerno and VADM Robert North.

NAMEPA welcomed nearly 80 at its National Maritime Day Seminar and AMVER Awards Reception last Wednesday.  As we honor the men and women who serve aboard our ships, it is important that safety underpin all decisions and actions on board.  NAMEPA Chairman Joe Hughes stated “Regulations and enforcement are key elements to reducing incidents and increased safety.  He highlighted the various areas of concern being regarded by the global insurance community, such as cruise ships being a focus due to size and human cargo and engine breakdowns due to fuel switching, and concluded “Industry has dealt with risk challenges very well in the past, and I anticipate it will reach new heights of achievement.”

RADM John Nadeau drew the analogy between the human pulse being an indicator of fitness, so is an organization’s safety culture being the heart of its circulatory system.  He noted the USCG’s recent report on US flag inspections and the efforts the Coast Guard is making to work with industry to increase its safety culture.  RADM Brian Salerno (USCG retired and now with CLIA) agreed on the importance of a strong safety culture, emphasizing we “cannot wait for an event, we must be proactive.  We are all dependent on a social license to operate, so quality of operations, safety and the environment are critical.”

Chamber of Shipping of America’s Kathy Metcalf listed the myriad of issues facing industry today from ballast water management to scrubbers, to piracy, Arctic issues, and global trade.  Jeanne Grasso, Partner at Blank Rome, followed with an entreaty to comply, comply, comply.  It is difficult to understand why MARPOL violations still occur after nearly 30 years of prosecution.  Above all, be honest, transparent and forthcoming.  If something goes wrong, report it immediately.”

Andrew Baskin of HudsonAnalytix helped delegates understand the urgency and impacts of cyber attacks and the need to practice good cyber hygiene and examine insurance coverage.  The American Salvage Association’s Jim Elliott outlined some of the activities and initiatives taken by the salvage community as it continues to support environmental and operational safety.  The Reverend Marsh Drege of the North American Maritime Ministry Association underscored the importance of supporting mariners who are the underpinning of industry’s ability to deliver the world’s trade and energy in a safe and efficient fashion.

ADM Karl Schultz joined the event to present the AMVER Awards to those companies that volunteer to divert in the case of an accident or distress at sea to perform a rescue mission.  Over 700 vessels are registered in the American AMVER program, and many of them were represented at the event.
