Steve Pelna Has Been Appointed the Chair of the SCAA Planning Committee

The Spill Control Association of America is excited to announce that Steve Pelna has been appointed as Chair of the Planning Committee! Steve currently has his Master of Science in Public Safety Management and is a Certified Safety Professional. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Lewis Environmental and provides daily oversight of operations, including emergency services. He is also Fire Chief of the West Chester Fire Department, an adjunct professor at West Chester University, a HAZMAT Specialist with the Chester County Hazardous Materials Response Team, and a Pennsylvania State Fire Academy Instructor. Steve began his service to SCAA as a contributing member to both the Safety and FEL Committees and has had the pleasure of speaking on safety panels at several SCAA Annual Meetings. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors and has subsequently fulfilled the role of Secretary for the past few years. In September, Steve was appointed as Co-Chair of the Planning Committee which is responsible for monitoring, planning, and scheduling participation in industry and Government events and forums. This includes conferences, exhibits, special meetings, and workshops.

Congratulations Steve!

Want to Learn More About the Planning Committee?

Interested in some more information about the Planning Committee and how it serves SCAA? Learn more at or contact the Committee Chair, Steve Pelna, at

