Recruiting for a New NOS Deputy Assistant Administrator for Navigation, Observations and Positioning (DAA-NOP)

NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) is aiming to complement its existing leadership by recruiting for a Deputy Assistant Administrator for Navigation, Observations and Positioning (DAA-NOP). This person will work directly for the NOS Assistant Administrator and side by side with the NOS DAA for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management.

The DAA-NOP will have full responsibility for establishing, managing, and providing strategic direction for the Navigation, Observations, and Positioning programs within NOS. Among other responsibilities, this person will integrate aspects of mission execution to ensure consistency and coordination between programs. They will develop policy and also provide policy level authoritative representation to intergovernmental, national, and international councils and meetings concerning NOAA interest in the areas of navigation, observation and positioning. The new DAA-NOP will oversee NOS’s Information Technology and data management strategies, as well as NOS Fleet Allocation Programs.

Successful candidates must have senior level experience in administration and direction of scientific and/or technical programs related to navigation, observations, and/or positioning, including operations and data management; effectively interacting with diverse constituencies; and establishing cooperative relationships with governmental bodies at various levels.

The position is open now until October 24, 2022. The USA Jobs link for this posting is below.

