SCAA Board of Directors report

SCAA Members:

While we are all staying safe and staying well our Board of Directors have been active during this period. The BOD has had two scheduled conference call meetings and three emergency conference call meetings. Two of the emergency meetings were related to our annual meeting and the third was related to the Merchant Mariner Credential initiative.

Highlights from the two scheduled meetings are:

·         Completion of the 2020 Strategic Vision and Business Plan and distribution
·         Request for suggesting a Texas company to TGLO for the 2020 Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act Award
·         Planning for the virtual annual meeting
·         Planning for participation and involvement in Clean Waterways, Clean Pacific, and Clean Gulf
·         The monitoring of IOSC which has been postponed till 2021
·         Planning Committee working on virtual annual meeting and begin discussion for 2021 Annual Meeting
·         Membership and Finance Committee working together on A/R and outreach
·         Government Affairs Committee
o   Partnership Action Team Meeting notes:
§  GIUE discussion with USCG and EPA
§  QI interview discussion prior to GIUE start with the EPA
§  Oil spill response workers not exempt from MMC requirements especially for federal led responses involving BOA’s
§  Driver hours of service discussion and proposed solutions to advance waiver initiative
§  USCG has backed off Sub Chapter M boom guidance and occasional boom towing would not have to comply with Sub Chapter M requirements
§  ERSP is being studied with an eye toward working or not working in the inland environment which could have an effect on the national level
·         Health & Safety Committee is resending the safety questionnaire so please be on the look-out for it and complete thank you
·         Future Environmental Leaders Committee is moving forward with the Environmental Excellence awards with 4 of 8 school recipients selected and will deliver them direct to the recipients
·         Technology Advancement Committee working with John Allen for a presentation during the virtual annual meeting
·         Communications / Marketing Committee blog received well and would still like to receive items from membership for consideration
·         Ad hoc Educational Committee is on hold at this time and hopes to make progress in the Fall


Robert E. Chambers
