Registration is Open for the SCAA 2020 Annual Meeting & Conference

Gather with the leaders in the spill control industry and gain exposure to cutting edge business information specifically targeting spill control professionals

2020 SCAA Annual Meeting & Conference

March 24-25, 2020
Arlington, VA

This meeting is for SCAA Members and Guests

Register Today!

When you participate in our 2020 Annual Meeting & Conference, you will have the opportunity to meet with your colleagues in the industry and develop long term relationships and meaningful friendships along the way. Not only is this a good business practice, it also provides you with the opportunity to obtain some new business.

Your involvement will also support SCAA's mission as "The Voice of Spill Response Professionals". SCAA represents a broad coalition of emergency responders, manufacturers and environmental firms who collectively address industry challenges, in order to strengthen and improve our nation's response community. As an industry with a unified voice, we make a difference. We look forward to welcoming you to our Annual Meeting & Conference, and to continue working together to the benefit of our profession and our environment.

Compelling Speakers & Panel Discussions:
Prominent speakers from business and government will be featured throughout the Annual Meeting & Conference.

Receive Updates on Policies, Guidelines and Regulations:
Including time to network with fellow members and guests, sharing information, technological achievements and discuss issues of importance.
