SCAA Will Host Larger Event Turnout for This Year’s Upcoming Capitol Hill Visit and Annual Meeting/Conference

SCAA continues to prepare for its upcoming Capitol Hill Visit and Annual Meeting/Conference on March 6-8, 2013.  Registration numbers are up – we will have 50 percent more participants this year than last year’s first annual Capitol Hill Visit, and we have closed registration for the Hill Visit having reached maximum capacity. 

Registration is almost completely full for the Annual Meeting/Conference which will feature an array of guest speakers from the industry as well as a panel discussion.  RADM Mary Landry, USCG (Ret), now the Director of Incident Management and Preparedness Policy at USG headquarters will give the Conference Opening Address, and RADM James Watson, USCG (Ret) and now BSEE Director will be our luncheon Keynote Speaker.

The full conference program brochure can be found on our website, or by visiting this link:  SCAA Capitol Hill Visit and Annual Meeting/Conference
